
Blend Cosmetics To Conceal Melasma

Cosmetics For Melasma
Publish 30 December 2021

Skin lightening creams are ineffective. So getting familiar with appropriate cosmetics can boost your self esteem.

The Goal of Even-Tone Skin

No woman wants to apply layers of foundations, face powders, and con­cealers that fail to hide dark patches, acne spots, and melasma. All of us have been there, where we’re unable to cover hyper­pig­menta­tion.

Several factors come into play when concealing the dark spots on your skin. This includes your actual skin type, skin tone, the product you’re using, its shade, and the texture and coverage of the product.

Let’s have a look at what melasma is and what causes it.

What is Melasma?

Melasma—susceptible to any skin type—is a deviation of skin pigmentation. It results in blotchy skin with brownish and dark pigmented patches. Women with melasma use many dermatological cosmetics, but they either fail to provide full coverage or do not conceal the pigmented area at all. [1]

Many factors cause melasma, including hormonal changes, such as estrogen, skin type, genetic tendencies, and skin-irritating products. The chances of developing melasma increase during pregnancy. In pregnant women, melasma is called a “pregnancy mask.” Also, people with darker skin are more prone to melasma. [2,3]

Many dermatological procedures reduce the appearance of melasma. Standard treatment can combine topical therapy with hydroquinone, tretinoin, and corticosteroids. Beyond topical medications, chemical peels, laser therapy, and more can lighten melasma. Micro­dermabrasion helps improve the appearance of dark patches on the skin. However, these therapies do not eliminate melasma. [4]

Blend Cosmetics for Melasma

Want to even out the discoloration of your skin with cosmetology products? You can cover up the melasma patches on your skin using the right techniques and cosmetics.

Many makeup products reduce pigmented skin only some of the time. This makes you feel less confident. The right makeup with spot-fading products can be a secret remedy for your pigmented skin.

In this article, we outline everything about covering melasma patches with the right techniques and products. But before getting started, make sure you use sunscreen with the cosmetics. This prevents your melasma from getting worse.

1. Prime your skin

Primers with built-in SPF are essential for moisturiz­ing and hydrating your skin. Primers also help evenly distribute your makeup over the entire face. By using primer, your makeup can look natural.

2. Color correct

Before applying a full-coverage foundation or concealer, use a color-correcting product on the dark patches. If you don’t know what color correction is right for your skin, choose a neutralizer based on your skin's complexion.

If you have a dark skin tone, the red color correct is perfect for blanking out hyperpigmentation, acne, and dark patches. If you have fair to lightly tan skin, orange color correction is suitable for masking dark spots.

3. Build foundation

Choose a foundation that matches your skin undertone with natural-looking coverage. If you’re unable to determine your right undertone, check for the color of your veins. If you have purple or blue veins, you have a cool undertone. You have a warm undertone if your veins are green.

Foundation balms are best for giving full coverage to dark spots. They are thicker and have more texture than liquid foundations. Cover your hard-to-fix areas with foundation balms. Make sure you gently apply the foundation without disrupting color correct.

4. Apply high-coverage waterproof concealer

Spot concealers are helpful when some dark spots peek through your foundation. By applying concealers with high-performance pigments, you can brighten up your complexion.

Use concealer under your eyes, on the middle of your chin, and down the bridge of your nose so to highlight your best features.

5. Finish with face powder

Face powder or pressed powder ensures your makeup lasts all day. Set your makeup by applying a thin layer of face powder with a fluffy brush.

You can top off a light coverage foundation with a pressed powder. This provides full coverage for the dark patches. Avoid using too much face powder as it may end up looking unnatural and noticeable.

Blending Your Solution

Melasma can fade when hormones balance out. In the meantime, tackle melasma patches easily with these cosmetology tips. They brighten up your complexion and give your skin a subtle look. Blend cosmetics to provide a quick fix for melasma patches. But having the right skincare routine, you can treat melasma by getting to the core of the problem. [5–10]

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Guest author Zarsha Noureen is a writer specializing in beauty, health, and wellness.

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