'Obese man tying shoes'

How Much Does Pain Weigh?

There is a correlation between chronic pain and obesity. Will losing weight ease the pain?

Orthopedics 'Alternatives to Knee Replacement'

Alternatives to Knee Replacement

It is tempting to beg a doctor to remove aching by any means possible. Any discomfort felt before surgery is multiplied during rehabilitation

Fitness 'Woman holding scale'

The Scale is Not Your Enemy

Do a few simple things for reliable weight scale readings. Stop things that point the needle higher.

Nutrition 'Why Diets Don’t Work'

Why Diets Don’t Work

One problem with fad diets is the imbalance of nutrition. I’m losing more than a pound per week without dieting. Find out how.

Nutrition 'Blender with peas and nuts'

Easy Peasy Protein Powder Recipe

Exchange a two-pound $40 tub of protein powder for three pounds of raw almonds and a half pound of dried split peas. Keep the change and enjoy a nutty, all-natural protein powder made with your per...


Enjoy articles each week

Nutrition 'No Whey Hemp is Better Than Soy Protein Powder'

No Whey Hemp is Better Than Soy Protein Powder

Whether you are a body­building champion, lactating mom, growing teenager or sedentary executive, you should not ignore your need for protein. Is hemp better than soy plant-based protein supplements?

Dermatology 'Hands with lunula'

Sick of No Lunula

When doctors look at your hands, they may see more than what you care to admit. The seemingly insignificant white crescent shape on your fingernails has an important function.

Gastroenterology 'Fat men's bellies'

Prevent Visceral Fatty Liver Disease

Recognize, prevent and possibly reverse fatty liver disease. What is the relation­ship between it and cysts or cirrhosis? All cancers can produce malignant cysts.

Fitness 'Walk Away From Fatigue'

Walk Away From Fatigue

If you are awakening just long enough to get back under the covers, rule out serious health problems. These simple steps can gradually distance you from time-robbing fatigue.

Disability 'Man seated with athletic limb prosthesis'

Where Do We Stand On Prosthetics?

In the race for more natural solutions, prostheses need not resemble the ill-fitted mannequin-like appendages of the 1940s. Here is a summary of top prosthetics and where to get them.

Fitness 'How to Track Your Steps With Your iPhone'

How to Track Your Steps With Your iPhone

While research suggests a beneficial increase to 15,000 steps per day, a longstanding goal of 10,000 is common. How can you begin keeping track?

Fitness 'Obese woman'

10 Signs You May Need A Workout

Many blame the battle with the bulge on sugar and fat intake. These are contributing factors. But you may also battle biologic adversaries.


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.