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154 articles tagged Internist
'Patient holding thermometer during medical videoconference'

Distinguish Flu, Bronchitis, Pneumonia

If you never catch the flu in your lifetime, it’s a miracle. But if you contract influenza, or something similar, have an immediate action plan.

Gerontology 'AMR ambulance'

Less Ambulances For California Medicaid Patients

The largest provider of ambulance services in the U.S. will halt some rides in Southern California, citing low Medicaid rates.

Gastroenterology 'The BMI Misdiagnosis Trend'

The BMI Misdiagnosis Trend

Some experts express concern that reliance on BMI has become overweight, leading to misdiagnosis, improper medication, and obesity mistreatment.

Internist 'Doctor writing notes'

Are Patient Medical Records Biased?

Conveying non-compliance to a doctor can be tantamount to insulting the cook in a strip-mall restaurant. You may walk out with a less hygienic meal.

Immunology 'Frightening female portrait'

Post-Pandemic Symptoms

After masking outdoor portals during years from the general population, could a damper on your excitement be due to a nutritional deficiency? Find out in this horror story about—real life.


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Endocrinology 'Diabetes glucose monitor'

Semaglutide Halves Diabetes Obesity Risk

Doctors call Semaglutide a game changer in the prevention of Type 2 Diabetes among obese patients.

Pulmonology 'Female brushing teeth'

Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Solution

Hospital-acquired pneumonia is killing patients. Yet there is a simple way to stop it.

Internist 'Surgeons in operating room'

Organ Transplants Are Up

Although organ transplants are up, the agency in charge of organ transplant is under fire.

Internist 'Empty hospital bed'

Rural Hospital Crisis

Some rural hospitals are in such bad shape, local governments are practically giving them away.

Internist 'Emergency hospital doctors'

Eliminate Medical Debt

Medical care can be life-saving, until the other shoe drops. How do you eliminate medical debt — or avoid it in the first place?

Mental health 'Female sexy doctor brassiere'

Exam-Room Paraphiliac

How might a patient manifest fantasies toward medical professionals and how does the physician community view intimate patient relationships?

Internist 'Shopping mall escalators'

Health Systems Repurpose Malls

Vacant shopping malls are massive properties that attract the eye of enterprising health care systems.


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.