'Hemorrhoids, Polyps, Hernias or Worse'

Hemorrhoids, Polyps, Hernias or Worse

What may appear to be similar disorders have distinct charac­teristics that a gastro­entero­logist notices.

Woman 'Asian and Caucasian making arm muscles'

Asian vs Caucasian Breast Density

Among women, one quarter as many Chinese develop breast cancer as North American. Is this because of breast density, genetics, diet, or other factors?

Fitness 'Lower Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk'

Lower Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk

Take Action To Lower Your Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk CDC Infographic.

Woman 'Reducing Mammogram Pain'

Reducing Mammogram Pain

Facing discomfort for this brief moment is better than endur­ing months or years of cancer pain because of going undetected.

Woman 'How Breast Size Affects Cancer Risk'

How Breast Size Affects Cancer Risk

Both breast density and size can delay cancer detection. What can you do to reduce your risk of late detection?


Enjoy articles each week

Oncology 'Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer'

Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer

What Every Young Woman Needs to Know About Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer CDC Infographic.

Oncology 'Fight Cancer With Diet'

Fight Cancer With Diet

Outdated: Does William Li eloquently develop a plausible answer to the question, “Can we eat to starve cancer?”

Oncology 'Chances of Testicular Cancer'

What Are Chances of Testicular Cancer?

Paradoxically, this infrequent carcinoma within the male genitals is the number-one cancer in men ages 20 to 34.

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Should You Take Medical Marijuana?

How do you balance the physical and social rami­fi­ca­tions of taking prescribed cannabis products for neurological conditions?

Woman 'Mastectomy Advancements'

Mastectomy Advancements

Radical mastectomies are rarely performed. Progress provides hope for what’s the most common type of cancer in the U.S.

Woman 'Is Breast Augmentation Necessary?'

Breast Augmentation Regrets

Because it is a potentially dangerous medical proce­dure with long-lasting conse­quences, make certain the reasons are not transient.

Prescriptions 'How Drugs Effect Body Weight'

Common Drugs Effect Body Weight

A consequence of smoking or drug abuse is drama­tically altered diet, which can lead to irregular eating with poor nutrition.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.