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25 articles tagged Otolaryngology
'3 Undesirable Medical Conditions'

Three Phrases You and Your Doctor Avoid

As a patient, do you have the audacity to suggest you have one of these ailments that shocks your doctor?

Prescriptions 'Why Patients Disregard Prescriptions'

Why Patients Disregard Prescriptions

Half of patients do not comply with prescription label directions. Here are reasons why with suggestions for improving medication adherence.

Nutrition 'Couple eating chips and salsa'

No Double-Dipping Appetizers

Are you biting off more than you should chew when sharing communal foods without proper etiquette? Explore the science of double dipping.

Otolaryngology 'Dealing With Winter Mold and Mildew Allergies'

Dealing With Winter Mold and Mildew Allergies

During damp weather, we shut windows, close drapes, fire up the heater, and get cozy. Then begin sneezing, headaches, dizziness, chest pains, and strange odors.

Otolaryngology 'Mold Causes Vertigo and Chronic Fatigue'

Mold Causes Vertigo, Rash, Backache and Chronic Fatigue

Are you a business or home­owner conside­ring profes­sional water-damage remedia­tion? Are you a renter trying to convince a land­lord to properly treat mold and mildew?


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Individual 'Pardon My Geographic Tongue'

Pardon My Geographic Tongue

Few people exhibit geo­graphic tongue. Can anything be done about the loss of papillae manifest­ing this irregular appear­ance on your tongue surface? Is it a serious health problem?

Rheumatology 'Here Are Clues A Patient Has Sjögren’s'

Clues A Patient Has Sjögren’s

When eyes are so dry they hurt and vision is blurred, it’s wise to seek an eye care professional. Patient response to anti­biotics may help diagnose this auto­immune disorder.

Otolaryngology 'What Drum Beats Only Loud Enough For You To Hear?'

What Drum Beats Only Loud Enough For You To Hear?

Your personal percussionists beat loud enough to entertain and inform you. What stops the music?

Rheumatology 'Sjögren’s Syndrome: Pain Beyond Tears'

Sjögren’s Syndrome: Pain Beyond Tears

Sjögren’s syndrome is often confused with dry eye syndrome. If it was just diminished tears, Sjögren’s syndrome might benefit solely from eye drops. This medical condition affects multiple organs.

Endocrinology 'Neck ultrasound'

How To Live Without A Thyroid Gland

Your thyroid gland is an important metabolism regulator. Find out why it sometimes must be surgically removed and how life following thyroidectomy is possible.

Otolaryngology 'Female face perfect symmetry'

Cosmetic Facial Reconstruction Limits

Plastic surgery is some­times a health require­ment where the end result of recon­struc­tive surgery can only be appre­ciated when compared to the initial medical anomaly.

Nephrology 'Drink Away Vertigo With Water'

Drink Away Vertigo With Water

Disequilibrium can bemuse vertigo sufferers for hours, days or longer, often accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light and sound. Discover how water can provide a measure of relief.


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.