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30 articles tagged Prescriptions
'Patients Monitoring Prescriptions'

Patients Must Monitor Prescriptions

In our healthcare system, physicians rarely monitor individual reaction to prescrip­tions. Evaluating drug response transfers to patients.

Prescriptions 'Tolerate Opioid Not Just Pain'

Can You Tolerate Opioids?

Much of the debate involves blamestorming — fining manufacturers and punishing physicians. Are patients benefiting or suffering?

Cardiology 'How To Reduce Cholesterol Without Statins'

Decrease Cholesterol Without Statins

You need to maintain low cholesterol levels. This waxy buildup within blood vessels may block a major artery, restricting oxygen to your brain.

Dermatology 'Dangers of Hydroquinone'

Dark Side of Hydroquinone

Why dermatologists are cautious about prescribing hydro­qui­none, which is one of the most effec­tive skin lighten­ing agents.

Prescriptions 'Consequences of Living With Pain Relievers'

Living With Pain Relievers is Not Entirely Pain-Free

Are you depen­dent upon pain relievers to per­form daily tasks? Untreated chronic pain can have dan­ger­ous physi­cal and emo­tional conse­quences.


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Individual 'Prevent Misdirected Doctor Visits'

Prevent Misdirected Doctor Visits

Do you some­times visit a medical doctor with baffling symptoms? Too complex visits can leave you feeling unsatisfied.

Individual 'Marijuana plant'

Should You Take Medical Marijuana?

How do you balance the physical and social rami­fi­ca­tions of taking prescribed cannabis products for neurological conditions?

Neurology 'Can Psychology Help Chronic Pain?'

Cope With Psychology of Chronic Pain

Coping with chronic pain that alters how you live your daily life can transcend the care medical doctors provide.

Prescriptions 'How Drugs Effect Body Weight'

Common Drugs Effect Body Weight

A consequence of smoking or drug abuse is drama­tically altered diet, which can lead to irregular eating with poor nutrition.

Nutrition 'Vitamin D Deficiency and Sources'

Do You Have Enough Vitamin D?

What seems like a simple question baffles many people with low vitamin D, and the doctors who treat them.

Prescriptions 'Why Patients Disregard Prescriptions'

Why Patients Disregard Prescriptions

Half of patients do not comply with prescription label directions. Here are reasons why with suggestions for improving medication adherence.

Mental health 'Forgetful elderly man'

Add Prescriptions to Dementia Causes

Increase in dementia cases may be linked to common prescrip­tion medications. Fortunately, one of the most common is excluded.


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