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19 articles tagged Vitamins
'Senior man jogging for good health'

Options for Cholesterol

A patient who has made significant personal progress welcomes a visit to a new physician but becomes disillusioned by an insistent recommendation.

Woman 'Man consoling woman'

Understand Female Emotional Reactions

Are women truly more emotional? Break down gender stereotypes and understand societal influences to promote better personal and professional connections.

Immunology 'Frightening female portrait'

Post-Pandemic Symptoms

After masking outdoor portals during years from the general population, could a damper on your excitement be due to a nutritional deficiency? Find out in this horror story about—real life.

Gastroenterology 'When You Should Take Probiotics'

Advantages of Probiotics

Some doctors do not address the collateral damage of broad-spectrum antibiotics. This article presents causes and treatments for microbial imbalance.

Food 'Top 6 Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Reduce Chronic Pain'

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Reduce Chronic Pain

Left untreated, inflam­ma­tion can lead to chronic diseases. Here are the best anti-inflammatory foods you can incorpo­rate into your diet today.


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Cosmetology 'Put On Your Best Zoom Face'

Put On Your Best Zoom Face

Men and women fre­quent­ly video con­fer­ence during the new normal. So both genders are shop­ping for cosmetics to improve camera appearance.

Nutrition 'Pandemic Nutrition'

Pandemic Nutrition

While sheltering in place, we might not get enough food variety for the nutrients we need. These vitamin supple­ments may be necessary.

Food 'How to Make Food More Nutritious'

You Can Fortify Your Own Foods

Why depend upon fortified processed foods? Add super-hero supplemental foods to your meals while cooking at home. Is fortification necessary?

Nutrition 'Are You Drinking Enough Water With Your Vitamins?'

Drink Enough Water (With Vitamins)

You may be taking too many vitamins or not drinking enough water. Here is what you should know for good health.

Nutrition 'Beautiful female face'

Eat Your Way To Healthy Skin

Feed your skin healthy, nourishing foods and see your skin glow with happi­ness, health, and sunshine!

Nutrition 'Are You Getting Enough Potassium?'

Are You Getting Enough Potassium?

Many Americans do not consume enough potassium. With abundant potassium food sources, consider various ways to eat it.

Nutrition 'Get Souped Up For Cervical Cancer'

Get Souped Up For Cervical Cancer

Women may wish to include wholesome soups that combat cervical cancer in their regular meal planning.


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