
Absent in Body Only

Man plays with homeless children

A power surge in the room of a convalescing comatose patient reanimates him after seven years on life support.

Mindless Activity

Maturity Age 14+

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Myron Tomlinson was a man of means, which allowed him to remain under medical care for so long. After rehabilitation to strengthen atrophied muscles, he sets out to learn how the world has changed.

The immediate difference is that his wife has remarried. His children have grown up and left the house. But a very emotional difference is the contrast in human compassion. It seems everyone has a violent cause.

With all the intellectual, technological, and financial resources, why aren’t people solving pollution, global warming, and homelessness? Why are there so many protests?

During the first six months that Myron was in a coma, he recalls the conversations of family members who visited regularly. They were very positive and encouraging. Frequency diminished throughout the remainder of the first year. Their talk then centered around themselves. His children discussed what they would do with the money when he’s gone. Sometimes they suggested pulling the life-support plug to “see what happens.”

Every coma patient is unique. Their level of awareness and responsiveness may vary widely depending on their individual situation.

Myron’s coma has given him candid insight regarding how others close to him actually feel. The best way for Myron’s family members to make amends for neglecting him is to show him love, support, and care in the present moment. They should make a genuine effort to rebuild their relationship with him. But this does not happen. Avoiding confrontation with his family, Myron wants to give his life new meaning.

Benevolent Accomplishments

Myron’s journey to find a new purpose leads him to the streets, where he witnesses the plight of the homeless. He is heartbroken by the sheer number of people living without access to necessities like food and shelter.

As he speaks to these individuals, Myron learns that many of them had once been like him, with families and homes of their own. However, circumstances beyond their control had led them down a different path.

Determined to make a difference, Myron uses his wealth and connections to start a non-profit organization that helps refugees and homeless families. He provides them with food, shelter, and access to job training programs.

As he works tirelessly to help those in need, Myron discovers a sense of purpose and fulfillment that he has never experienced before. He feels alive and connected to the world.

But his newfound happiness is short-lived when he begins receiving threats from unknown sources. They warn him to stop his charity work or face dire consequences. Undeterred, Myron continues to push forward, determined to make a difference.

One night, while leaving the shelter, Myron faces an attacker who leaves him for dead in an alleyway. The police are unable to find any suspects, and the case goes cold.

Although his body is broken, Myron’s spirit remains whole. In his final moments, he thinks about the people he has helped and his impact on their lives. He knows that his legacy will live on through the lives he has touched. In a room absent of family, he signs a hospital DNR order, before slipping into his second coma.

As the sun sets on his life, Myron Tomlinson realizes that he has found the meaning he had been searching for. He discovered it in the compassion he had shown to others and the selfless acts of kindness he had performed. His legacy will inspire others to make a difference in the world, one act of kindness at a time.

The End

Return twice weekly for miniseries. Any relation to actual persons or events is coincidental. Login provides the most immersive experience. About 600 total words.

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