
Anomalous Areolae Chart 20x26

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Anomalous Areolae is a dignified 20" x 26" (51 x 66 cm) anatomy poster that explains areola varia­tions in a con­cise format. The large female illustra­tion demon­strates proper latch­ing during breast­feeding to reduce nipple damage. For doctors’ offices that specialize in obste­trics and gyne­co­logy, there are 19 illustra­tions described with legible 17-point text. These include a Hoffman Technique dia­gram and 13 life-size realis­tic drawings. ©2016

Many areola changes in pregnancy. Others that occur without being preg­nant are listed on this beauti­ful pastel colored custom printed human anatomy poster. Asym­metry, hormonal darken­ing, inver­sion, enlarge­ment of Montgomery’s tuber­cles and tuberous (conical) areola are presented as common varia­tions. During maternity, three appear­ances of milk produc­tion (colos­trum, foremilk, hind­milk) are illustrated.

Dermatitis, nevoid hyper­kerato­sis, Paget’s disease, carcinoma and malignant cancer alert patients to progres­sively more serious outcomes. A cutaway ana­tomi­cal dia­gram lists the eight layers of breast tissue.

  • August Breastfeeding Awareness Month
  • October Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • Includes hygienic satin UV lamination
Get durable frames for every office with posters for each patient