ClinicalReads Health

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46 articles tagged Disease
'Blonde female sitting on sofa'

Multiple Miscarriage Causes

A young woman seeks reasons for multiple miscarriages. During family planning, she discovers the cause and must make sobering personal decisions.

Oncology 'Smiling female cancer patient'

New Normal After Cancer Treatment

This orientation provides comfort to patients undergoing cancer treatment, which affects their physical, neurological, and emotional health.

Oncology 'Child cancer patient'

Bloodless Leukemia Treatment Options

Leukemia treatment typically involves stem cell and blood transfusion. These transfu­sion-free options offer hope for this cancer of the blood.

Oncology 'Mixologists pouring drinks at bar'

Avoid Liver Cancer Lifestyle

Your liver is an essential resilient organ. But with years of abuse, it can show signs of wear or even fail. Learn options for treating liver disease.

Oncology 'Masked man colored lighting'

When Coughs Become Cancerous

Early oral cancer symp­toms are often unnoticed. Late-stage throat cancer symp­toms like hoarse­ness or persis­tent cough­ing require immedi­ate evaluation.


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Gastroenterology 'Girl with painful stomach'

Gut Reactions To Crohn’s

Inflammation of the bowels named after Burrill B. Crohn affects diges­tion, joints, and skin. How can you improve reac­tions to this gastro­intes­tinal ailment?

Cardiology 'Blood components'

Acquired Aplastic Anemia

A rare triple-threat anemia can deplete each major blood compo­nent, reducing energy, decreas­ing lung and heart function.

Nephrology 'Man receiving dialysis treatment'

The Value of Dialysis

Severe dehydration, trauma, and other conditions can lead to kidney failure. Dialysis is an interim procedure until a kidney transplant is available.

Clinical science 'CRISPR Regenerative Medicine'

New Life For Regenerative Medicine

By modifying DNA, CRISPR is giving regenera­tive medi­cine a new shot in the arm. Human genetically modified organisms may combat diseases.

Immunology 'Life During Pandemic Era'

Your New Normal

Outdated: Moving toward normalcy will be gradual and regional. Despite trials, you are a survi­vor. You have the ability to persist.

Immunology 'PPE face mask'

Behind The Mask

Outdated: Which masks are best for virus protection? While supplies last, ClinicalPosters is selling PPE for use outside of the medical profession.

Immunology 'Coronavirus Herd Immunity Fallacy'

Coronavirus Herd Immunity Fallacy

Outdated: Herd immunity occurs when some­one without the virus is surrounded by a barrier of those who are immune.


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