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45 articles tagged Disease
'How Quickly Do Cancers Spread?'

How Quickly Do Cancers Spread?

Does cancer manifest itself within weeks, months or years? How quickly does it metastasize? Predisposed patients should be diligent with regular health evaluations. But what tests are most effective?

Woman 'Mothers With Nipple Eczema Breastfeed'

Nipple Eczema Mothers Breastfeed

Eczema can resemble more serious Paget’s disease. For your long-term health and that of your child, learn cautions regard­ing breast­feeding when suffering from either health condition.

Woman 'Female self-breast exam'

Some Doctors Stop Urging Monthly Breast Self-Exams

Searching for cancer may be too morbid a thought to women who esteem breasts more for their form and function than health indicators. Doctors are not giving up.

Oncology 'Lymphatic system anatomy'

Early Warning Signs and Symptoms of Lymphoma

Healthcare physi­cians and patients need to be diligent for early diagnosis, using multi­disciplinary medical treat­ment of blood cancers affecting the lymphatic system.

Internist 'Patients Expect Just One Thing From Doctors'

Patients Expect Just One Thing From Doctors

While many patient expecta­­tions can be unreason­­able, others are practical. This hyper­bolic, insight­ful and sobering patient-perspective was published on KevinMD website.


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Pulmonology 'Can You Soup Away Colds and Flu?'

Can You Soup Away Colds and Flu?

Understanding basic symptom differences between the cold and flu helps to distinguish which you have and nutritionally address symptoms.

Immunology 'Are You More Afraid of the Shot Than the Flu?'

More Afraid of the Shot Than the Flu

A “successful” personal flu battle can last about six weeks. Less successful bouts lead to hospitalizations or worse.

Rheumatology 'Sjögren’s Syndrome: Pain Beyond Tears'

Sjögren’s Syndrome: Pain Beyond Tears

Sjögren’s syndrome is often confused with dry eye syndrome. If it was just diminished tears, Sjögren’s syndrome might benefit solely from eye drops. This medical condition affects multiple organs.

Cardiology 'It’s Dysautonomia — Not Laziness'

It’s Dysautonomia — Not Laziness

Dysautonomia is a health condition referring to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. Learn how it affects various bodily systems.


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