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18 articles tagged Recipe
'Eat Healthy From the Inside Out'

Eat Healthy From the Inside Out

Unfortunately, what we put into our bodies is not always motivated by healthy logic. If that were the case, there would be no ice cream parlors or candy shops.

Food 'Gourmet Spaghetti Dinner'

Gourmetizing Your Spaghetti Dinner

Add great flavor, optimum nutrition, and creative presenta­tion to a pasta dinner, trans­form­ing it into a restaurant-quality meal.

Food 'Buttery biscuits'

Taste Butter Biscuit Bites

I took on the challenge of baking homemade biscuits. How difficult could it be?  There are just five main ingredients.

Nutrition '11 Benefits of Blueberries Backed by Science'

11 Benefits of Blueberries — Backed by Science

Blueberries are jam packed with antioxi­dants, along with lots of essen­tial vitamins and nutri­ents. This is good reason to learn a healthy new recipe for delicious blue­berry sauce.

Food 'Moist and Meaty TVP Recipe'

Moist and “Meaty” TVP Recipe

TVP may be used by cafeterias and large families to stretch ground beef. It is a common source of protein for everyone from vegans to omnivores. Here is a recipe to transform it into a delicious an...


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Immunology 'Are You More Afraid of the Shot Than the Flu?'

More Afraid of the Shot Than the Flu

A “successful” personal flu battle can last about six weeks. Less successful bouts lead to hospitalizations or worse.


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